FREE Family Fun

If you are looking for something fun for the whole family on a budget, what can be better than free?
I highly recommend checking out a local Metro Park!
From hiking, to playing in the river to a really cool playground, there is literally so much you can do together and not hear the dreaded "I'm bored" 5 minutes in.
Oh, and did I mention that its FREE!

We paid a visit to this local gem today, literally not even 10 minutes from us and it just opened up in May 2016. It is literally one of the nicest state parks I have been to!

Scioto Groves has the Scioto River running through it which allows canoeing, kayaking and fishing. This particular park has some pretty nice sized banks so the kids were able to step in ankle deep and look for rocks and tadpoles. lots of sunlight but also lots of shade!
This bank my kids are playing on it an access point to drop boats or take them out of the water. There is another one about 2 miles down river which makes for a nice short trip if you are not in the mood for a long one!

The woods provided lots of huge trees, some in unique shapes, and plenty that were perfect for climbing and also for pictures!

While there we saw TWO engagement photoshoots being done using nature as the backdrop!

There is a catch and release fish pond with multiple banks and a really nice deck with a floating dock!

My kids saw all kinds of little fish!

This was the view across the pond while sitting on the observation deck.

And here are three of my children laying on the floating dock watching the fish swim underneath it.

The walking trails were amazing! There are some hills, some completely flat, some gravel, some through the woods, some right along the river. Really any scenery you are interested in, there is a trail for you. They have signs showing how difficult each trail is so you can pick one you fit comfortable with.

And lets not forget the beauty that is nature! I cant even imagine how beautiful this park will be when leaves change colors.

And we saw SO many huge dragonflies and beautiful butterflies!

We packed backpack cooler with Gatorade and water and headed over to check out a new park. We didn't spend a single penny and we loved it so much we are headed back tomorrow with my mom!

So if you are looking for a way to get out of the house that is budget friendly, check out one of your local state parks! You never know what you will find!

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