Why my family plays Pokemon Go and why I dont care what you think about it...

So by now you have probably heard of the app Pokemon Go, the game that has you out hunting little creatures you use Pokeballs to catch and basically forces you to be active if you want to catch uncommon Pokémon and hatch really awesome eggs!

You've also probably seen memes on Facebook like the one below making fun of people who play and just being plain old rude. That is MY big red X through it because it seems ridiculous to judge someone for having fun while you miserably complain about it to social media.

Heres why my family plays and why I could care less what the negative Nelly, who have nothing better to do than complain about people actually out having fun, thinks about it.

The biggest reason is my family is enjoying something, together, walking around, being active! This game FORCES you to be outside moving around if you want to hatch those eggs and it is so exciting when they do hatch (even if you get a 5 km egg that hatches as a Pidgey).

My 14 year old daughter is spending time with ME, not facetiming, snapchatting, vining, or whatever other apps she uses non stop. She is riding around with me in the van going from Pokestop to Pokestop, getting free Pokeitems. She's chit chatting with me as we drive around, playing her favorite music and being overall enjoyable.

My 4 and 5 year olds light up and are so excited to show me the Pokémon they caught, and even though I cringe inside when I see they used 20  pokeballs to catch a 10CP Weedle, I'm so excited because they are excited! Smiling from ear to ear, twinkling eyes and just so proud of themselves that they caught something,

I see SO MANY people out walking at the parks and even though they have their phones in front of them, they are outside walking around, being ACTIVE.

It is bringing together people in communities in such a positive way! Facebook groups are popping up for cities and people are making new friends, making group plans to go explore parks and landmarks in search of Pokemon, and just generally having fun with likeminded people!

Its fun!!! My 14 year old and I both caught a Gengar yesterday and it was awesome! Another exciting moment I had with my daughter, all because we were playing a game.

So we will keep playing the game, spending time together, making memories and being active together while little minds sit on their couches complaining about how many people are outside enjoying the weather and catching all the Pokemon and we won't care one bit about the naysayers trying to ruin the fun.
